A Document Management Solution will decisively improve a company’s performance and reflect the efficiency of its internal organisation.

Large amounts of information on paper increases the likelihood of lost or misfiled documents. Large volumes of paper documents also consume valuable storage space and creates difficulty in quickly locating, accessing and controlling key documents causing problems with the flow of information.

Implementing a Document Management Solution (DMS) and work flow is a decisive factor to boost your business.

ContentVerse is an integrated document management and workflow application which embodies the functionality of archiving, life cycle management and assignment of documents by process thus enabling dematerialisation of business processes, information flow and decision making.

The ContentVerse Document Management Solution (DMS) enables you to manage all information in accordance with the following concepts:

Dematerialisation – digitising paper documents into electronic documents that can be classified, organised and sorted to specific criteria.

Standardisation of processes and procedures enables a client’s documents to be standardised and classified to type and source.

Indexing – labelling and classification of electronic documents provides the benefit of an integrated information management system of electronic archives.

Workflow – Defines the stages a document goes through from origination, approval, distribution, and filing, enabling control over the flow of information.

Search – A browser able to perform document search by content, document type or attributes thus permitting traceability and availability of documents efficiently.

Cost reduction - As a result of increased productivity and time savings from searching, forwarding and managing documents, plus costs are reduced through a reduction of photocopying and storage.

Implementing ContentVerse DMS is an opportunity to review and significantly improve your document management system and procedures with the support of an integrated, flexible and technologically advanced solution.

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